A(f)ternoon joint

A(f)ternoon joint

Having (F)un making it rain!!

Having (F)un making it rain!!

Last bowl be[f]ore getting out of bed

Last bowl be[f]ore getting out of bed

Smoke pot

Smoke pot

Let me take you higher [f]

Let me take you higher [f]

Wake and bake (f)or my last day off work..

Wake and bake (f)or my last day off work.. Come join me

[F]inally get to enjoy a joint after a long

[F]inally get to enjoy a joint after a long Monday. How is the view?

6am bong hits, why not? (F)

6am bong hits, why not? (F)

Can't wait to get high af this weekend.

Can't wait to get high af this weekend.

(F)inally got around to cleaning my bong

(F)inally got around to cleaning my bong ☺️

[F]Monday morning smoke and dance

[F]Monday morning smoke and dance

It's 4:20(ish) somewhere! [f]

It's 4:20(ish) somewhere! [f]

(f)irst post here! anyone want to join me

(f)irst post here! anyone want to join me for a sesh?

This mil(f) deserves this after the car rider

This mil(f) deserves this after the car rider line at school this morning

[F]morning bucket to warm me up;)

[F]morning bucket to warm me up;)

Thong, tank, vape [f]

Thong, tank, vape [f]

(f) Wise man say: forgiveness is divine,

(f) Wise man say: forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza.

Who wants the next hit? (f)

Who wants the next hit? (f)

The Pineapple Express is departing the station.

The Pineapple Express is departing the station. Who's coming with me?? Choo choo!!!! (F58)

(f34) High how are you! Why yes I am!!

(f34) High how are you! Why yes I am!!

Still the best [f]eeling on a cold winter

Still the best [f]eeling on a cold winter day is a bath and a bong;)

I love [F]all sundays, and I have all the

I love [F]all sundays, and I have all the supplies to enjoy it.

Nothing like lighting up (f)irst and getting

Nothing like lighting up (f)irst and getting a dick in (m)y ass

Just rolled this, who wants the next hit?

Just rolled this, who wants the next hit? [F23]

Very late night bath and bong[F]

Very late night bath and bong[F]

[F]ound this video from exactly one year

[F]ound this video from exactly one year ago today! Miss those panties

My [f]ire crotch can keep your hands warm...

My [f]ire crotch can keep your hands warm...

O[f] course I made a bedtime smoke video

O[f] course I made a bedtime smoke video

really glad it's [f]riday

really glad it's [f]riday

First post here 22[f]

First post here 22[f]

With love from Scotland [f]

With love from Scotland [f]

I was desperate [f]or that first hit of the

I was desperate [f]or that first hit of the day... now I’m desperate for something else ;)

I smoke two joints in the morning I smoke

I smoke two joints in the morning I smoke two joints at night. [f][24]

(f34) high on life

(f34) high on life

Alright, I cleaned my bowl [f]or those of

Alright, I cleaned my bowl [f]or those of you who cared enough to comment or message me on the topic :p

As you can see I ran out of bud so I gotta

As you can see I ran out of bud so I gotta find another way to entertain myself (f)

So glad Monday is over [f]

So glad Monday is over [f]

Hitting my battery (f)

Hitting my battery (f)

(F)(OC) bong hits n pasties before emo night

(F)(OC) bong hits n pasties before emo night in my goth fit

[f] definitely need some helping hands

[f] definitely need some helping hands

I ate 3 mangos over the course of 2 hours

I ate 3 mangos over the course of 2 hours before taking this, can con[f]irm, it works

Up in smoke [F]

Up in smoke [F]

Just me and my PAX3 this afternoon ;) care

Just me and my PAX3 this afternoon ;) care to keep me company? [F21]

Don’t judge me, this bubbler is impossible

Don’t judge me, this bubbler is impossible to clean

A woozy youth dopes up on her silky, smooth

A woozy youth dopes up on her silky, smooth per[f]ume.

smoke sesh? [f]

smoke sesh? [f]

(f) Sneaky flash in my car

(f) Sneaky flash in my car

My plan [f]or today: Get high. Get off. Get

My plan [f]or today: Get high. Get off. Get you guys excited

